Camping Solution

The cold never bothered me anyway

Thermal Solution for Camping

HANYAO Thermal Solution for Camping

Camping is a great way to enjoy nature’s bounty. There are no insects, no hustle and bustle in the wild in winter, you can enjoy the quiet mountains and forest heartily. But low temperatures, cold wind, and snow are the biggest challenges for winter camping, why do we say that?


How to prevent this situations happening?

HANYAO Thermal Solution for Camping​

When camping outdoors in winter, the temperature at night is colder, especially at high altitudes or in coastal areas. When resting at night, the temperature around the human body needs to be guaranteed so that you have enough energy to continue your activities. So what will you use? Please take a look at my suggestions!

A pair of thick gloves maybe not enough to help your hands get warm for camping in cold winter, especially when you want to take photos for the beautiful scenery, you need to take off gloves to exposure your hands in the cold weather. Our hand warmer can make a big help, put it into gloves or pocket, when you touch it, your hand will warm up quickly, it can provide continuous heat of 12 hours, keep your hands warm and more flexible from getting frozen, enjoy the camping time anytime.

People usually not only spend the day but also spend the night when camping in cold winter, in this situation, long heating warmer is a much good choice to help people keep warm, our large warmer is similar using way as hand warmer, but can provide longer continuous heating for 24 hours, keep you warm from cold for whole day and night during the long time camping in cold winter.

when camping, we usually need to find a place to camp for rest and eating, which will cause body feel more chilly during the long-time stay. Our foot insole warmer and toe warmer is designed to fit in your shoes, provide 8 hours heating for your feet from cold. we often say that if the feet are warm, the whole body is not cold. We often say that feet warm then full body warm, with our products, you can enjoy camping with comfortable warmth in the harsh winter.

it is designed size 40*40cm to fit the seating, just open it and put it on the chair or anywhere you sit, it can provide a safe and nature heating for 8 hours, you will no worry of sitting a cold place during camping in cold winter anymore. While you are enjoying nature in the cold winter, make you feel comfortable and warm as at home.

Some people who have chronic low back pain and rheumatoid arthritis may have a great passion for camping in cold winter, but worry about these symptoms will get aggravate and make them suffer a lot. knee heat patch and warming belt make you no worry about it, they are light-weight and can direct onto skin, provide safe and nature heating to soothing the pain relief, without affect your flexibility during the winter camping.

Get rid of the cold season and temperature restrictions, bring your family and friends this winter, and enjoy camping time to the fullest! Please don’t hesitate to contact us here anytime!